Attached is the link to our firefighter injury report that involved the failure of a sand cast aluminum LDH appliance that injured a firefighter. We are looking for assistance with respect to notifying the fire service of this potential problem, collecting information about similar failures, whether a firefighter injury was involved or not, and identifying a federal agency that has jurisdiction to intervene.
A4394, Greenwald – Establishes procedure for school districts, municipalities or voters to move the annual school election to November. FIRE DISTRICTS ARE NOT INCLUDED.
The bill was heard and released by the Assembly Appropriations Committee on Dec 8. Fire district elections were not mentioned in the discussion. The Senate version,S3148, sponsored by Senator Norcross, was introduced on Dec 12. It is being heard by the Senate State Government Committee on Thurs, Dec 15. This bill will move through both houses in the lame duck. Here is the link to the bill:
A4262, Wisniewski – Requires DOT Commissioner to erect signs informing motorists of State’s “move over” law.
Passed the Assembly 51-16-10 on Dec 5.
Senator Sacco introduced S3158 on Dec 12. It was referred to the Senate Transportation Committee which he chairs. It is very likely that the bill will pass the Senate in January. However, the Governor’s reaction is a question mark – if he perceived it is going to cost money, it is unlikely that he will sign it.
S2794, Sweeney – Encourages local unit sharing of services.
It was reported out of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on Dec 8. It is NOT on the Senate Board list for Thurs, Dec 15. Word from the Governor’s office is that they do not like the bill, particularly how it revives and gives too much power to LUARC.
A3918 is the Assembly version, sponsored by Assemblywoman Lampitt. It has not moved in the lower house.
S1802, Norcross - Authorizes payment of funeral expenses for certain public safety employees, including those in the fire service, killed in the line of duty.
Jake testified in support when the bill was heard and released by the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee on Nov 21. The bill was scheduled to be heard by the Senate Budget Committee on Dec 8 but the bill was held over until their next meeting on Dec 15. We have submitted a slip indicating the Fire Districts’ support. The Assembly companion, A4328, was just introduced on Nov 21 when it was referred to the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee. The fiscal estimate from OLS said that the costs were “indeterminate.” They looked back to 2004 for a response from Treasury to fiscal note request and the estimate then was $50,000 per year. It’s likely that this will move through the legislature in the lame duck.
A1463, Wisniewski/S1080, Bucco – Requires designated fire command structure in municipal fire emergency operations plans involving mutual aid responses to fires
As I reported to you earlier this year, A1462 passed the Assembly unanimously on June 28. The bill was heard and released by the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee on Dec 8. It has been 2nd referenced to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
A3278, Wisniewski – Requires fire suppression systems in new single and two family homes.
The bill was heard and released by the Assembly Housing and Local Govt Committee on Nov 21. There is strong opposition to this bill. It is, however, on the Assembly Board List for Thursday, Dec 15. Senators Bucco and Norcross are the sponsors of the Senate Bill, S2287. The bill was transferred to the Economic Growth Committee on Dec 8. It was on the Committee’s Dec 12 agenda but not released.
AJR87, Tucker – Designates month of October as “Fire Safety Education Month.”
Introduced on Dec 8
This is our bill that allows fire districts to amend their budgets to insert a special item of revenue.